A list of some pictures of the
Earth's Mightiest Heroines

When Hank Pym first debuted in the Silver Age, he was a widower
whose late first wife Maria had been killed while on a visit to
her native Hungary. Janet Van Dyne amazingly resembled her, and
the 2 of them subsequently fell in love with each other. As she
aspired to join Hank as a crimefighter and adventuress, he helped
her run an experiment to become the Wasp. And Scarlet Witch and
Quicksilver first learned about the chance to become recruits to
the Avengers after reading a newspaper article that spoke about
the team's offer to consider other potential members as well.

This is the Black Widow in one of her first appearances, when - at
least it seemed - she was working as a Russian spy but soon
defected to the United States where she became much more of a
success. And here's also a picture of the "Kooky Quartet" as they
were affectionately nicknamed when Cap took Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch
and Quicksilver under his wing.

It's Carol Danvers versus a giant lizard! Look out, here comes the
dinosaur! The lizard beast strikes poor little Carol with his
tail, but she won't be taken down so easily, and lets him have it
back with a nice good knuckle sandwich!

During the Silver Age, when the Avengers began, Tony Stark hosted
Wanda and Pietro at a press conference to announce their
acceptance to the team. Janet had quite a girly crush on Thor. And
when Scarlet Witch (and Quicksilver) first joined the Avengers,
she initially bore a foolish view that it's not worth fighting on
after losing a battle. Cap taught her how this just isn't so, and
since then, she's had a much better view of how to be selfless and

Back in the old days, when Scarlet Witch first appeared, she had
difficulty in staying conscious after delivering a really powerful
blast with her hexes. Today, she's way past that and can handle
many things without even batting an eyelash.

It's a shame this picture has the top part of the word balloons
cut off, but anyway, here's a scene of the Vision rescuing Wanda
from some technological cuffs. Or something like that. And Tigra
might've had an allergy to becoming wet, not unlike some real
cats, which may explain why she asks Wonder Man to hold on tight
while in flight!

On one of her superhero assignments Janet makes good use of her
ability to communicate with insects, leading a fleet of bees
against some crooks. In the other picture, Ebenezer Wallaby, her
lawyer, comes to announce the great news that having turned 23,
she's acquired the full inheritance from her late father, in
Avengers #43, 1967.

There were a few times in the Silver Age when Scarlet Witch really
developed a crush on Captain America, and felt very sad when he
left for more solo missions, leaving the leadership up to other
members. Since then, she moved on, and had more serious affairs
with the Vision and Wonder Man.

This is the splash page from one of Tigra's earliest adventures.
Will Meugniot, who drew the story, did a very good job.

The splash page from Ms. Marvel 14, with our heroine on a job in
her native Boston.

In the Serpent Crown affair (Avengers #147 in 1976), Patsy Walker
took up the role of Hellcat, and really got some action going! So
too did Iron Man and Vision, of course.

The Serpent Crown story was also where Wanda and the Vision's love
affair really took off.

In the late 1980s, when Tigra and Hellcat were working with the
West Coast Avengers, they managed to capture Tiger Shark. In the
other picture, from
The Sensational She-Hulk, Jennifer
Walters is sunning herself on a beach vacation when a telegram
delivery interrupts it just 4 issues in! And that's just a taste
from the rest of the awesome 4th-wall-breaking parody John Byrne
mastered in that series!
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